SX-90 Proton flowmeter ( MFC)
SX-90 Proton flowmeter ( MFC)Plasma spraying equipment configuration (using gas: argon and hydrogen) (water and electricity)MFC Sx-90 plasma equipment using energy: power supply + argon + ...
SX-80 plasma spraying ceramic coating equipment
SX-80 Plasma spraying equipment configuration(using gas: argon and hydrogen) (water and electricity)MF Sx-80 plasma equipment using energy: power supply + argon + hydrogen (suitable fo...
Plasma manufacturing spheroidizing powder (system) equipment and technology
Function : Plasma as heat source, refractory metal, spheroidizing and densification of ceramic powder and plasma arc temperature above 15000 degrees, The raw powder particle surface melti...
SX-120 Dual main power supply 120KW
SX-120 Dual main power supply Plasma spraying equipment configuration (using gas: argon and hydrogen) (water and electricity) Sx-120 KW plasma equipment using ...
SX-60 plasma sprayed ceramic aluminized coating Manual operation
SX-60 plasma Manual operation Introduction to plasma spraying technologyPlasma spraying is a thermal spraying method based on plasma arc as heat source and powder material.① Steps of plasma spr...
Plasma Spraying Equipment
Model: SX-80 brand plasma spraying equipment power SX - 120 kw, 150 kw and medium-sized 80 kw, 50 kw, 30 kw, 10 kw/and small Function: can thermal spray powder, aluminum oxide, ...
Plasma Spraying Equipment
Model: SX-80 brand plasma spraying equipment power SX - 120 kw, 150 kw and medium-sized 80 kw, 50 kw, 30 kw, 10 kw/and small Function: can thermal spray powder, aluminum oxide, chromi...
型号:SX-80zk 真空等离子喷涂设备 ( 医学界的应用) 功能:可热喷粉末:喷涂羟基磷灰石涂层-钛基牙种植体,人工关节表面真空等离子喷涂Ti,HA涂层 效果:具有射流速度快,温度较低,喷涂室气氛可控等特点,所制备的涂层比...
型号:SX-30zk 贵金属真空等离子喷涂设备(承接加工,提供设备,技术材料等服务. ) 功能:可热喷粉末:喷涂金,银,铂 ,钯,铑,钛 涂层 :在微片上喷白金,金银,在海绵上喷黄金 效果:喷黄金喷钛,牙科上面的钛合金,喷钛250/...
型号:SX-80 喷镀膜靶材专用 等离子喷涂设备 功能:可热喷粉末:氧化铝,氧化铬,氧化钛,氧化锆,钼硬质合金高性能陶瓷涂层 效果:喷靶材铬靶,钛靶,硅铝靶设备 配套组成:采用等离子喷涂 (提供...
型号:低压 等离子喷涂设备 SX-80zk 设备特点:非常适合于对氧化高度敏感的材料.具有很高的喷涂速度及生产效率.具有先进的冷却技术:喷嘴采用环形薄壁通道设计,达到直接冷却及最佳的传热效...
Plasma Spraying Equipment
Model: SX-80 brand plasma spraying equipment power SX - 120 kw, 150 kw and medium-sized 80 kw, 50 kw, 30 kw, 10 kw/and small Function: can thermal spray powder, aluminum oxid...