Vacuum Plasma Spraying

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Vacuum Plasma Spraying
Vacuum Plasma Spraying
Model: SX80ZK
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models: SX - 80 Zk vacuum plasma spraying equipment (the application of the medical profession)

Function: thermal spraying powder: sprayed hydroxyapatite coating - titanium dental implants, artificial joint vacuum plasma spraying on the surface of Ti, HA coating

Effect: has the jet speed, low temperature, spraying room atmosphere controlled characteristics of coating preparation by comparing density, low oxygen content, composition and powder is more close to. Can meet the requirements of clinical implant for coating crystallinity. Vacuum plasma spraying Ti - HA coating of artificial hip joint, the Ti 6 al 4 v alloy substrate, HA, HA/Ti/TiO2 was prepared, HA/ZrO2, composite coating, such as between coating and substrate can be improved efficiently

System of form a complete set:

Low plasma control system include: 1. The control module 2. Gas module 3.switching box module 4 plasma spray gun 5. Binocular send powder 6. Power supply

Low vacuum plasma system includes: 1. The main work tank components: the operation tank, vacuum filters, gas cooler 2. Lance manipulator: using the industrial manipulator operation 6 axis plasma spray gun,

Technical parameters: click on the image to check the spot price

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